
  • OPIc 공부) Step 5. 인터넷하기
    영어 | English/오픽 | OPIc 2015. 9. 24. 23:42



    1. I surf the web 빈도수/방법.

    ex 1) I surf the web once a day.

    ex 2) I surf the web on my smartphone.

    ex 3) I surf the web on the computer.

    ※ surf 발음 : '설프'


    2. I started ABC when I was 때.

    ex 1) I started using the computer when I was just 10.

    ex 2) I started using the Internet when I was just 10.

    ex 3) I started using the Internet when I was a middle school student.

    ※ started 발음 : '스타릿'

    ※ the Internet 발음 : '디 이러넷'


    3. My 사람 taught me how to use it.

    ex 1) My mother taught me how to use it.

    ex 2) My older brother taught me how to use it.

    ※ taught 발음 : '터트'

    ※ how to use it 발음 : '하우루 유짓'


    4. It has many advantages.

     ※ advantages 발음 : '어드배니짓스'


    5. I can 동사 using 기기/프로그램.

    ex 1) I can download the latest movies.

    ex 2) I can watch movies using a video player program.

    ex 3) I can surf the web using my smartphone.

    ex 4) I can create documents using a word processor.

    ※ download 발음 : '다운로드'

    ※ disappointing 발음 : '디서포이닝' 

    ※ word processor 발음 : '워드 프로세설' 


    6. I can 동사 while 동사ing.

    ex 1) I can send a text while watching a movie.

    ex 2) I can google while watching a movie.





    Q. People use the Internet so much. How often do you use the Internet and how much do you use it?


    A. I surf the web so many times a day because I use the Internet on my smartphone. I can google anything wherever and whenever I want to. I started using the Internet when I was just a middle school student. My brother taught me how to use it. Ever since that day, it has become a big part of my life. Eva, how often do you surf the web?


    Q. What type of device do you use when you use the Internet? What are the benefits of using that device?


    A. Like I told you, I use my smartphone when surfing the web because it has so many advantages. First, I can use the Internet anytime anywhere. Second, I can multitask while using the Internet so it saves me time. I can send a text message or receive a call while surfing the web. I can also watch movies using a video player program. I can't go a single day without my smartphone. Eva, do you use your smartphone as much as I do?


     ※ 발음

      a big part of : 어 빅 파로브

      Like I told you : 라카톨쥬


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