  • OPIc 공부) Step 2. 인물묘사
    영어 | English/오픽 | OPIc 2015. 9. 18. 03:45



    1. His/Her name is ABC and he's ABC years old.

    ex 1) His name is David Kim and he's 27 years old.

    ex 2) Her name is Kate and she's 23 years old.


    2. He's/She's 키 & 체형.

    ex 1) He's tall/short.

    ex 2) He's average height/weight.

    ex 3) He's slim/well-built.

    ex 4) He's in good shape.

    ex 5) 그는 키가 마른 체형이다. -> He's tall and slim.

    ex 6) 그는 키가 작고 보통체형이다. -> He's short and average weight.

    ex 7) 그는 키가 크고 몸이 좋다. -> He's tall and well-built.

    ※ average 발음 : '에브리지'


    3. He/She has 생김새 & 특징.

    ex 1) He has fair skin.

    ex 2) He has round eyes.

    ex 3) He has short brown hair.

    ex 4) He has dimple.

    ※ p 발음 : 입술을 다물고 '프'

    ※ f 발음 : 윗니로 아랫입술을 물면서 '프'

    ※ dimple 발음 : '딤펄'


    4. I've known him for 기간.

    ex 1) I've known him for two months.

    ex 2) I've known him for three years.


    5. He's like my brother.


    6. He's such a(n) 성격 person.

    ex 1) He's such a cool person.

    ex 2) He's such an amazing person.

    ex 3) He's such a fun person.

    ex 4) He's such a unique person.


    7. We click so well.


    8. We often 동사 together.

    ex 1) We often go to the park together.

    ex 2) We often spend time together.

    ex 3) We often hang out together.

    ex 4) We often drink coffee together.

    ex 5) 우리는 자주 영화를 함께 본다.

             -> We often watch movies together.

    ex 6) 우리는 자주 카페에서 수다를 떤다.

             -> We often chat at a cafe.

    ex 7) 우리는 자주 수영하러 함께 간다.

             -> We often go swimming together.

    ex 8) 우리는 자주 수업 후 함께 점심을 먹는다.

             -> We often have launch together after class.

    ※ chat 발음 : '채애트'

    ※ cafe 발음 : '캐페'





    Q. Please tell me about on of your classmates. What does he/she look like?


    A. O.K. I'll tell you about my close classmate. His name is David Kim and he's 27 years old. As for his look, he's average height and slim. He also has a round face and short black hair. I've known him for 3 months and we click so well. He's such a humorous person and he always cracks funny jokes. I feel so happy when I'm with him. We became so close since the first day and he's like my brother now. We often go to our favorite park after class have launch together. Eva, do you want to meet him? I'll inroduce him to you.


    A. O.K. I'll tell you about my close classmate. Her name is Kate and she's 23 years old. As for her look, she's tall and long brown hair. I've known her for only 3 months, but we click so well. She's such a lovely person and she always cares about other people. Also, she's a good listener, too! We became so close very quickly and she's like my sister. We often go the park and spend time. Eva, do you have a great classmate, too?


     ※ 발음

      humorous : 유머러스

      cracks funny jokes : 크랙스 퍼니 조크스


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